My Mother On What Not To Do Under The Stairs

My mother spent almost 50 years on the front lines of public education, as a teacher, counselor, and principal. These are her stories.

“Had this irate father come at me while I was working at a high school in Waco. We caught his daughter having sex – many, many times – under the stairs in the hallway. In between classes. During class. Before school. You name it. ‘How can you discipline my daughter for something that ain’t against the rules?’ I’m sorry sir but having sex under the stairs at school is against the rules… ‘Show me. Show me where it say in da’ rules that kids cannot make sexual relations in da’ hallway. Show me. I wait right here. I ain’t gonna wait long cuz you ain’t gonna find it written down. And you ain’t gonna punish my daughter, hurt her name and reputation, for sumthang that ain’t in da’ rules!’

So, basically this dad wasn’t upset that his daughter was a whore or that everyone knew his daughter was a whore. He was upset that we – the school – was coming down his daughter for no reason as nowhere in the rules was it written ‘students are to refrain from having sex on campus, especially under the stairs in the hall’ or something like that I guess.

Anyway, she went on to have a bunch of kids from three different daddies and I think her dad ended up in prison or something. Sad situation all the way around. Oh well. You do your best.”

Vaya con Dios Sue.

Vaya con Dios.

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Gayne C. Young

If you mixed Ernest Hemingway, Robert Ruark, Hunter S. Thompson, and four shots of tequila in a blender, a "Gayne Young" is what you'd call the drink!

Fall of the Lost City


Indiana Jones and the Consulate of Mongolia